Announcing NGINX Plus R30


We’re happy to announce the availability of NGINX Plus Release 30 (R30). Based on NGINX Open Source, NGINX Plus is the only all-in-one software web server, load balancer, reverse proxy, content cache, and API gateway.

New and enhanced features in NGINX Plus R30 include:

Rounding out the release are new features and bug fixes inherited from NGINX Open Source and updates to the NGINX JavaScript module.

Important Changes in Behavior

Note: If you are upgrading from a release other than NGINX Plus R29, be sure to check the Important Changes in Behavior section in previous announcement blogs for all releases between your current version and this one.

Deprecation of listen … http2 directive

The listen … http2 directive has been deprecated in NGINX 1.25.1. NGINX configuration check using nginx -t gives a warning to that effect.  

nginx -t
nginx: [warn] the "listen ... http2" directive is deprecated, use the "http2" directive instead in etc/nginx/nginx.conf :15
nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok
nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful

All existing users of this directive are strongly advised to upgrade NGINX and use the http2 directive, which enables HTTP/2 on a per-server basis.

Change this:

listen 443 ssl http2;

To this:

listen 443 ssl;
http2 on;

Nonavailability of GeoIP2 Module on Amazon Linux 2

Previous versions of NGINX Plus used the “libmaxminddb” library from the Amazon Linux 2 EPEL repository to build the GeoIP2 module. The EPEL repository no longer provides this library, nor is it accessible natively from the Amazon Linux 2 distribution. Therefore, the module is no longer available in NGINX Plus R30 as there is no feasible way to build it for Amazon Linux 2.

Changes to MQTT Directives

The mqtt_rewrite_buffer_size directive, which is used for specifying the size of buffer to construct MQTT messages, has been superseded by the mqtt_buffers directive. The new directive allows for specifying the number of buffers that can be allocated per connection, along with specifying the size of each buffer.

Updated API Version

The version number of the NGINX Plus API has been updated from 8 to 9 to reflect the addition of the per-worker metrics described in Per-Worker Connection Telemetry. Previous version numbers still work, but the output doesn’t include metrics added in later API versions.

Changes to Platform Support

New operating systems supported:

Older operating systems removed:

Older operating systems deprecated and scheduled for removal in NGINX Plus R31:

New Features in Detail

Native Support for QUIC+HTTP/3

HTTP/3 over QUIC has been a highly anticipated feature requested by many of our enterprise customers, and we are delighted to officially introduce it in NGINX Plus R30. This is a new technology and implementation that we will continue to focus on in future releases. We advise NGINX Plus users to first try it out in a non-production environment and share any valuable feedback with us.

NGINX Plus relies on OpenSSL for secure communication and cryptographic functionality, making use of the SSL/TLS libraries that ship with operating systems. However, because QUIC’s TLS interfaces are not supported by OpenSSL at the time of this release, third-party libraries are needed to provide for the missing TLS functionality required by HTTP/3.

To address this concern, the NGINX team developed an OpenSSL Compatibility Layer, removing the need to build and ship third-party TLS libraries like quictls, BoringSSL, and LibreSSL. This helps manage the end-to-end QUIC+HTTP/3 experience in NGINX without the burden of a custom TLS implementation nor the dependency on schedules and roadmaps of third-party libraries. We plan to enhance the OpenSSL Compatibility Layer in future releases with more features and options, such as support for 0-RTT.

Here is the QUIC+HTTP/3 configuration:

http {
        log_format quic '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] '
                        '"$request" $status $body_bytes_sent '
                        '"$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" "$http3"';
        access_log logs/access.log quic;
        server {             # for better compatibility it's recommended             # to use the same port for quic and https             listen 8443 quic reuseport;             listen 8443 ssl;
            ssl_certificate     certs/;             ssl_certificate_key certs/;
            location / {                 # required for browsers to direct them into quic port                 add_header Alt-Svc 'h3=":8443"; ma=86400';             }         }     }

The QUIC+HTTP/3 support in NGINX Plus R30 is available as a single binary – unlike the experimental HTTP/3 support introduced in NGINX Plus R29, which had a separate binary for nginx quic. This improvement makes it easier to deploy the functionality in your environment.

Note: With NGINX Plus R30, we’re ending support and updates for the standalone QUIC binary and plan to remove it as a download option later this year.

Per-Worker Connection Telemetry

NGINX Plus users are now able to monitor total connections per-worker process to adequately tune the worker_connections directive. This improvement gives users better visibility into how connections are distributed amongst workers. Being able to tune worker connections also helps you better assess your NGINX deployment.

The per-worker connection metrics are available over REST API. To retrieve per-worker connection metrics, use the …/api/9/workers endpoint.

To retrieve per-worker connection metrics for an individual worker, use the .../api/9/workers/<worker id> endpoint. The worker id has a 0-based index.

Here is a sample response:

          "id": 0,
          "pid": 2346,
          "connections": {
              "accepted": 1,
              "dropped": 0,
              "active": 1,
              "idle": 0
          "http": {
              "requests": {
                  "total": 15,
                  "current": 1
          "id": 1,
          "pid": 1234,
          "connections": {
              "accepted": 3,
              "dropped": 0,
              "active": 1,
              "idle": 0
          "http": {
              "requests": {
                  "total": 15,
                  "current": 1

The per-worker connection metrics are available in the NGINX Plus Live Activity Monitoring Dashboard, as shown below. Access a live demo of this feature at

NGINX Plus Live Activity Monitoring Dashboard showing the information below about NGINX Plus connections and requests

The dashboard shows the information below about NGINX Plus connections and requests.



Diagnostic Package

To reduce turnaround time for issue resolution, the diagnostic package streamlines the process of collecting the data required to troubleshoot issues in your NGINX environment. The diagnostic package also helps avoid discrepancies and delays associated wi th the manual requesting and collecting of information needed to troubleshoot issues, making the interaction between NGINX Plus customers and F5 Support more efficient.

The diagnostic package collects:

Our goal with the addition of the diagnostic package is to be transparent with users about what commands the script within the package runs and what data is being collected. Refer to the NGINX Plus Diagnostic Package page (link forthcoming, in the meantime you can download the script by clicking here.)

Note: The availability of the diagnostic package is being announced as part of the current NGINX Plus R30 release, however the diagnostic package is not actually release dependent. Going forward, we plan to update it based on feedback from you and F5 Support with the intent of improving the troubleshooting data collection process.

Other Enhancements in NGINX Plus R30

MQTT Optimizations

With memory consumption improvements made to the Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) filter module, there is now a 4-5x increase in throughput.

The directive mqtt_rewrite_buffer_size has been removed. Instead, the new directive mqtt_buffers <num> <size> has been introduced to specify how many buffers the module may allocate per connection, along with the size of each buffer. The default number of buffers is 100 and the default size of each buffer is 1024 bytes, which makes the default value of the variable mqtt_buffers <100> <1024>.

DNS Reload Optimizations

NGINX Plus now preserves DNS name expiry times for dynamically resolved upstream hosts across reloads, removing the need for re-resolution on configuration reload. Before this update, DNS resolutions were triggered for all upstreams. With this update, NGINX preserves DNS resolutions and expiry times for all upstreams and triggers DNS resolutions only for new or changed upstreams on reload.

This optimization will be most impactful for NGINX environments containing a large number of upstream hosts. If you have 100 or more upstream hosts in your NGINX configuration, the optimizations would be most evident.

Changes Inherited from NGINX Open Source

NGINX Plus R30 is based on NGINX Open Source 1.25.1 and inherits functional changes, features, and bug fixes made since NGINX Plus R29 was released (in NGINX 1.25.0 and 1.25.1).



Bug Fix

For the full list of new changes, features, bug fixes, and workarounds inherited from recent releases, see the NGINX CHANGES file.

Changes to the NGINX JavaScript Module

NGINX Plus R30 incorporates changes from the NGINX JavaScript (njs) module version 0.8.0.



Bug Fixes

For a comprehensive list of all the features, changes, and bug fixes, see the njs Changes log.

Upgrade or Try NGINX Plus

If you’re running NGINX Plus, we strongly encourage you to upgrade to NGINX Plus R30 as soon as possible. In addition to all the great new features, you’ll also pick up several additional fixes and improvements, and being up to date will help NGINX to help you if you need to raise a support ticket.

If you haven’t tried NGINX Plus, we encourage you to check it out. You can use it for security, load balancing, and API gateway use cases, or as a fully supported web server with enhanced monitoring and management APIs. Get started today with a free 30-day trial.

Retrieved by Nick Shadrin from website.